Enhanced Care Management
The Essence of Care is Treating the Whole Person
ECM offers extra services at no cost to Medi-Cal members who have complex needs and challenges that make it difficult to improve their health. This could include health conditions or challenges such as not having a place to live.
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Enhanced Care Management Services
Our core focus is you. From the care you receive to the preventive care everyone deserves and right down
to assisting you in all measures to achieve that goal. Thats the Serene Health Care Promise.
Helping you stay engaged in your health care
Make a Plan to meet your health goals
Work with your Support People so they know how to help you
. Help You Learn how to better support your health issues
Move Safely from One Care Setting to Another, such as in and out of a hospital or nursing home and where you live
Healthy Connections
Connect and Update Your Doctors about the services you get and your needs and wishes
Social Services
Connect to Community Supports and Social Services such as food, housing support, job training, childcare, and disability-related services
ECM offers extra services at no cost to Medi-Cal members who have complex needs and challenges that make it difficult to improve their health.
This could include health conditions or challenges such as not having a place to live.
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Technology that increases access and outcomes
Our Telehealth services are available 24 hours a day – 7 days a week
Our Telehealth Services Include:
- AI technology that schedules sessions and/or requests immediate on-demand therapy sessions
- Patients can track upcoming sessions and get appointment reminders
- Documents can present moods and track similar, past moods of the patient
- Our AI technology records journal entries of daily activities from patients experiencing the good, the bad, and how they felt about those experiences
- AI chat box can give patients activities to complete and get more information
- Surveys that serve as “check-ins”
- Summaries of patient days
The Serene Mission
The Essence of Care is Treating the Whole Person
We are on a mission to help everyone, one person at a time, with traditional methods and modern technology.